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Celebrities » Actor » Rehana Siddiqi

About Rehana Siddiqi

Male actor Rehana Siddiqi from Pakistan, famous due to film

Supporting Actor


Rehana Siddiqi Actor Pictures Interview Biography

In 60's Siddiqui sisters - Talat Siddiqui, Rehana Siddiqui, Naheed Siddiqui (one of the best classical dancer in Pakistan and the ex-wife of Zia Mohayuddin) and later in 80's Arifa Siddiqui were very famous in stage, Radio, TV and films). Pop singer Fariha Pervez is Rehana's daughter..?
Rehana Siddiqui was also busy on stage and theatre in the 60's. She performed in a drama Aadhi Roti aik Langoti in the Background of Indo-Pak war, which was staged in major cities of Pakistan just after the Indo-Pak war in 1965.
Only one film Hamdam (with Khalil 1967) is on her credit as heroine and in other films she acted as supporting actress. Rehana Sidduqi got married with Aurangzeb, a b-class film actor of the 70's and now a busy and successful TV artist. Rehana Siddiqui is also working in many TV plays as character actress now a days. (by Mohammed Ayub Qureshi, Saudi Arabia)

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