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About Waheeda Khan

Female actress Waheeda Khan from Pakistan, famous due to lollywood



Waheeda Khan Actress Pictures Interview Biography

Waheeda Khan started her film career by acting in Hindko Dramas in Peshawar. Her real name is Sabiha-Tur-Raza, and has other family members associated with the film industry. She played memorable lead roles in Pukhtu movies such as Jawargar, Makhroor, Dehqaan, Alaqa Ghair, and Jwand Ya Marg, during 1970s. She also appeared in Urdu movie BAAZI. During the late 1970s, she started producing and directing movies and has many pukhtu movies to her credit as a director [e.g., Da Wachay Khan, Da Karayai Gorilay, Naavay aw Nakrezay, etc]. Currently she is married to the well known pukhtu film producer Aziz Jehangiri, and lives with him in Dobai, where they arrange musical shows and related programs.
(Thanks to Mr. AnwarGul, Kohat, Pakistan)
No. Year Films Language Actors

1 1970 Bazi Urdu Nisho, Nadeem, Mohammad Ali, Qavi, Naureen, Waheeda Khan
2 1972 Khalish Urdu Rani, Waheed Murad, Sangeeta, Qavi, Talish, Allauddin, Nanha, Waheeda Khan
3 1972 Makhroor Pashto Waheeda Khan, Asif Khan
4 1973 Jawargar Pashto Waheeda Khan, Waris Khan
5 1978 Jan ki bazi Urdu Waheeda Khan, Badar Munir
6 1980 Ladla Puttar Punjabi Sangeeta, Rangeela, Waheeda Khan
7 1980 Qissa Khawani Hindko Yasmin, Sultan Rahi, Waheeda Khan

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