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About Vaneeza Ahmad

Female model Vaneeza Ahmad from Pakistan, famous due to other

Super Model


Vaneeza Ahmad Actress Picture Interview Biography

Vaneeza Ahmad is a Pakistani model and actress. She is lovingly called Vinnie within the Pakistani fashion industry. Ahmad also has been working in fashion for the last 12 years, and divides her time between Europe and Pakistan. Vaneeza Ahmad is beautiful and attractive with very perfect sexy figure. She's got the most refreshing face in the business and one of the most amiable dispositions. Vaneeza is Pakistani supermodel. In the movie Jinnah she played the Quaid's daughter Dina and they say she played it well. She's worked hard to get where she is today. She's come a long way in a very short time, and the way she's going, she'll go a long long way. she signed as brand ambassador for Lux's new variant 'Aqua Sparkle' and Mobilink's premier 'indigo'. Vaneeza Ahmad's Looks so Hot and beautiful.

Model Vaneeza Ahmad Photos

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